August 2022

In This Issue


Michael English

Michelle Hopkins

Holly Kothe

Jeff Wiesemann

Cindy Duesing, editor

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

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How many times in your life have you met someone who is so remarkable, so gifted or courageous in the face of adversity that you have to stare in awe and wonder how they do it?

At Cincinnati Children's, we are fortunate to meet these people every day—brilliant researchers and clinicians whose skill greatly impacts the quality of life for patients and families; caring staff who take the time to do those seemingly little things that make all the difference for a struggling parent or a child in pain; patients who endure devastating diseases with the utmost grace and generosity of spirit.

In this issue, we get a closer look at members of our Cincinnati Children's family who embody this description. First, we have friends and family remembering Jim Tweddell, MD, a larger-than-life cardiothoracic surgeon whose talent and passion for his work dramatically changed the trajectory of his patients' lives for the better.

Then read about Shane DiGiovanna's lifelong journey as a patient with severe Epidermolysis Bullosa and the legacy he is planning to benefit other patients like him.

There's also the story of Alex Jent, who overcame a traumatic childhood injury and built a life of caring for others as a Food Services ambassador.

There are many benefits to working at Cincinnati Children's, but being surrounded by smart, caring and compassionate people is the best perk of all.

If you've missed previous issues of Inspire, you can find them in our archives.

If you have story ideas for future issues, drop us a line at

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Friends, Colleagues Remember Jim Tweddell, MD