Appreciating One Another in Challenging Times

The Patient Advocate team celebrates Sonya Trammel's graduation during Employee Appreciation Week. Trammel earned her master's degree in substance abuse counseling. (L-r) Dawn Nebrig, Pam Wendel, Tammy Crawford, Keith Mills, Lisa Smith, Bill Hobstetter, Gary Herbert. (Front center) Sonya Trammel.

It’s been an exceedingly challenging year for so many of us, and in so many ways. In times like these, it’s more important than ever to show appreciation for one another, and to maintain a sense of camaraderie, respect and inclusion. Plans for our annual summer employee appreciation event have been disrupted by COVID-19, but we’re working hard to find new ways to recognize your tremendous contributions during our time apart. Back in early March, just before we fully felt the effects of the pandemic, we celebrated National Employee Appreciation Day with a week’s worth of activities—because we are over-achievers that way! And in January, we gathered at the Cincinnati Museum Center for a weekend of fun. Until we can be together again, enjoy these photos of those events, and the smiling faces of our friends and colleagues.

16,000+ Appreciation Events

Not all appreciation events are large affairs. Some are small and sweet, just between two people or a team. Our eCards and Shoutouts give each of us the power to brighten someone’s day with a note of thanks, recognition, or simple kindness. Since early March, you’ve stepped up your recognition game and brought smiles to the faces of your coworkers.

  • eCards: More than 16,000 sent
  • Shoutouts: More than 1,300 posted

You’re making a difference. Keep it up!

  • Send an eCard.
  • To send a Shoutout, go to the homepage of Centerlink.

At the Cincinnati Museum Center

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