February 2021
In This Issue
Rosie Belleman
Colette Hue
Dave Schumann
Cindy Duesing, editor
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Send comments, story ideas or questions to Employee_Communications@cchmc.org.
If there's a theme to this month's issue, it's collaboration. It seems we at Cincinnati Children's like working together, and that helps make great things happen.
People notice this about us when they come to visit. It sets us apart from other organizations and makes smart, talented and creative individuals want to come to work here too. In fact, we've even included this characteristic as part of Our Expectations that we will work as one Cincinnati Children's to Pursue Our Potential Together.
You can learn more about our collaborative spirit—how it developed, where it's brought us and what it looks like in action—by checking out the stories about our efforts to vaccinate employees against COVID-19 and the fate-altering relationship we forged with the UC College of Medicine a century ago.
May these examples inspire us to reach out to others and discover strengths we don't even know we have.
If you've missed previous issues of "Inspire," you can find them here:
If you have story ideas for future issues, drop us a line at employee_communications@cchmc.org.